Characters of Six Of Crows. (L - R) Inej Ghafar, Kaz Brekker and Jesper Fehey.
Question two for our #ALIASNGGBookClub (Facebook Geoup) reading of Six of Crows is here! Join us for the heart and intrigue of this chapter in the #Grishaverse.
Six Of Crows Question 2:
“If the demon Brekker spoke the truth, Matthias would get to go home. The longing for it twisted in his chest – to hear his language spoken, to see his friends again, taste semla filled with sweet almond paste, feel the bite of the northern wind as it came roaring over the ice.” – Six of Crows, Chapter 7, p. 124
At the start of Part 2, author Leigh Burdugo lets readers into Matthias Helvar’s inner struggles. Matthias is in a tug-of-war between the sting of Nina Zenik’s betrayal, the confusion of his attraction to her, his deep homesickness for Fjerdan, and a desire for redemption.
How do the twin experience of displacement on one hand, and the pull towards belonging on the other, motivate our characters in their journey?


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