ALIA Students & New Graduates

ALIA SNGG Resume Review Service (ALIA SNGG RRS)
The ALIA Students and New Graduates Group have a FREE ALIA SNGG Resume Review Service for #ALIAMembers. Personal (Student, Associate and General Member) and Professional (LibTech and Allied Field) members are eligible to have three ALIA SNGG resume reviews a year.
*You must be an ALIA Member to use the ALIA SNGG Resume Review Service (ALIA SNGG RRS).
How to request a review:
Send an email to with the subject line ‘Resume review request’ and include the following information in the email:
- Your resume attached as a Word document (.doc, .docx, or .rtf)
- Your name and email address
- Your ALIA number
- A list of any areas of the resume you would like resume feedback for
- If applying for a specific job, please include an active PDF link or file attachment for the job you are applying
What to expect:
- Your selected reviewer will contact you within two weeks with feedback on improving your resume based on their experience and expertise.
- The resume review is confidential.
- The Resume Review Service Coordinator and the selected reviewer will delete your files once the review is complete.
- We will add your name and email address to a Google Spreadsheet accessible only to the service coordinators. Please let us know if you do not want your details kept on the Google Spreadsheet after the review.
Please email your resume review service questions to the ALIA SNGG Resume Review Service Team.
ALIA SNGG Resume Review Service Job Help Site Resources
ALIA Students and New Graduates Group ALIA Resume Review Service Job Help Site Resources page is the place to discover professional development links to help you revise your Resume, Cover Letter, learn interview tips and help you understand selection criteria.
On the site:
Find information from TAFE Queensland: How to craft the perfect CV for internships and graduate jobs. Provides advice on how to tailor your resume/CV to the job. Explanation on resume/CV headings. TAFE Queensland are on the ALIA Accredited Course list under Library Technicians.

ALIA SNGG Book Club (Facebook Group)
Searching for a library book club group on Facebook? Join our #ALIASNGGBookClub (Facebook) Group to network and share your passion for reading, books and librarianship.
ALIA SNGG Book Club (Facebook Group)
Book Club was created in 2020.
Past featured discussion books include:
- Emma by Jane Austen. Book first published in (1815)
- The Time Machine by H. G. Wells. Book first published in (1895)
- My Brillian Career by Miles Franklin. Book first published in (1901)
- Persuasion by Jane Austen. Book first published in (1817)
- The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde. Book first published in (2001)
- Jamaica Inn by Daphne du Maurier. Book first published in (1936)
- Inkheart by Cornelia Funke. Book first published in (2003)
- Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen. Book first published (1811)
- The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkein. Book first published in (1937)
- Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo. Book first published in (2015)
- Before the coffee gets cold: Tales from the Cafe by Toshikazu Kawaguchi (2015)
- What you are looking for is in the library by Michiko Aoyama (2020)
- Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. Book first published (1883)
- The Secret Life of Booksellers & Libraries by James Patterson & Matt Evesmann. Book first published (2024)
ALIA SNGG Resume Review Service: Job Help Site Resources
Visit our ALIA SNGG Resume Review Service: Job Help Site Resources page for ALIA Resume Review Service eligibility details, resume and cover letter advice.
ANDPA – Association of Neurodivergent and Disabled GLAMR Professionals Australia.
ANDPA is a not-profit, values-led and aspires to promote the acceptance of disability and neurodiversity in GLAMR fields through community, pride, belonging, and leadership.
Group founded in November 2023 by GLAMR (Gallery, Library, Archive, Museums, and Records) librarians Emilia Bell (ALIA NGAC) and Nikki Andersen (former ALIASNGG Social Media Coordinator, Twitter).
Emilia and Nikki are passionate about seeing disability acceptance and belonging in Australian Gallery, Library, Archive, Museum, and Records (GLAMR) professions.
IFLA Continuing Professional Development Workplace Learning Section (IFLA CPDWL)
Vision Australia – Digital Access Blog
Tips to follow on Vision Australia’s Digital Access Blog to make social media and blog pages accessible to audiences with low or limited vision.
- How to understand Colour Contrast for images and text.
- What is Alt-Text (Alternative Text) and how to use this on images on webpages, blogs & social media (Facebook, Instagram, X/Twitter, LinkedIn)
- How to use closed and open captions.
- How to make PDF (Portable Document Format) documents accessible
- How to make socoal meda accessible? Adding captions to Facebook, Instagram, X/Twitter & LinkedIn posts.
Council of Australian University Libraries (CAUL) – Digital Dexterity Framework
- Explore what Best Practices
- What skill gaps you may have
Misskoko the Librarian
Find tips to improve your
- LinkinIn library pressence
- Edit your Resume
- Edit your Cover Letter
- Understand Selection Criteria
- Upskill your Instagram, Twitter social media skills
- Learn about hashtags
Hubspot: How to Repost on Instagram
Understand how to Repost on Instagram.
- Learn the best practices for Reposting content (posts/reels)
- How to Repost to Instagram with an app
- How to credit (posts/reels) created by the original Instagram account owner (Instagram Web version or ap version)
Library Podcasts
Take a listen to these library podcasts:
- School Librarians United with Amy Hermon to hear about issues affecting school libraries and visual book lists.
- ALIA Graphic Podcast
- Call Number with american libraries
- Good Reading Podcast
- Cake the podcast by State Library of Queensland
- GLAMR Disability in Dialogue by ANDPA
- The School Librarians Learning network podcast
- Your Summer Stories : Newcastle Libraries
- Library Leadership Podcast
- Lost In The Stacks: The Research Rock’n ‘Roll Radio Show
- The Librarian Is In: New Yourk Public Library
- The Librarian’s Guide To Teaching
- Cyber Punk Librarian Podcast
- The London Library Podcast
- Bibliotheraphy by State Library Victoria
- The Chapters by State Library Victoria
- The Shelf-Care Podcast
ALIA Guidelines for Industry Placements: Diploma of Library and Information Service
What are industry placements?
An industry placement is a placement in Library and Information Science (LIS) compleeted by students in an ALIA accredited course. See ALIA Accredited Course list for Librarians & Information Specialists (AALIA), Teacher Librarians (AALIA) and Library Technicians (ALIATech).
Placements provide an opportunity to gain professional experience, learn skills and practice knowledge from studies in a supervised library environment.
More information on ALIA guidelines for industry placements here.

What is GLAM Peak?
The place were representatives from Australian Gallery, Library, Archives and Museums (GLAM) connect with historical societies & cultural institutions.
Explore their Toolkit > Share page for advice on:
- Providing Digital Access to Collections
- Open Data & Trove
- Social Media (Links you to how to use X/Twitter, Facebook & Instagram guides)
The Australian Media Literacy Alliance
Who are The Australian Media Literacy Alliance?
A group that includes The Australian Library and Information Association who work to advocate media literacy.