
To celebrate Information Awareness Month, RIMPA, ASA and ALIA are joining forces for a cross-discipline panel discussion focusing on how new professionals feel that they fit into the sector and how they are viewed by experienced professionals.

As the theme of Information Awareness Month is The Information Professional Towards 2020, we will discuss how the needs of new professionals have changed and how this must be supported in the uncertain world that is the GLAMR industry.

Please join us at the Dulcie Hollyock Room, Ground Floor, Bailieu Library at the University of Melbourne on the 11th May, 6 pm (for a 6.30pm start) – 7.30pm.

We will have three panelists from different areas of the GLAMR industry (more info to come) and the event will be moderated by Kate Fuelling – information management specialist, author, optimist, and founder of Kate Fuelling Consulting (full bio below).



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