The University of Melbourne Eastern Resource Centre (ERC) tour
Join us for the guided tour of ERC!!
The Eastern Resource Centre (ERC) is the first student learning centre on the Parkville Campus of the University of Melbourne (Building 171). It is the brand new and improved research and learning environment, as a part of the Melbourne Model.
The collections serve the study, teaching and research needs of the staff and students of Education and Engineering. The facility also houses significant Research Collections, the University of Melbourne Maps Collections and a multidisciplinary Media Collection.
When: Aug 10, Tue 5.30pm
Where: Main entrance on Level 1 (NOT at the Ground level entrance facing Grattan St)
Parkville Campus map is available from
Cost: a gold coin (changes from larger note may not be available, we appreciate if you could bring $1 or $2 coins)
RSVP: by Aug 6