RSVP Date: Monday, 5th June
Are you a student, graduate or library professional from WA?
Join ALIA West for their RegALIA Celebrating their Library Workforce Event at the City of Perth Library.
The Australian Library and Information Association and ALIA West have designed this event as a networking opportunity for people working in GLAMR libraries.
Hear talks from guest speakers on LIS education, training and research – from speakers across the library and information sector.
Speakers include:
- Cathie Warburton, CEO ALIA
- Jane Cowell, Incoming ALIA President and CEO of Yarra Plenty Regional Library
- Joanna Andrews, Coordinator Library & Town Hall, City of Perth
- Gaby Haddow, Discipline Lead for Libraries, Archives, Records & Information Science, Curtin University
- Prue O’Neil, Advanced Skills Lecturer, Library and Information Studies, North Metropolitan TAFE
- Louise Bond, Lecturer and Industry Placement Coordinator, Library and Information Studies, North Metropolitan TAFE
- Rebecca Murray, President WASLA (Western Australian School Library Association)
- Dr Nicole Johnston, Incoming ALIA Director and Associate University Librarian, Digital Literacy and Library Experience, Edith Cowan University
- Catherine Clark, CEO & State Librarian, State Library of Western Australia
Date: Tuesday, 6th June
Time: 6pm – 8pm (AWST)
Location: City of Perth Library, Auditorium
573 Hay Street
Cost: $ ALIA Members (Free) | Non-Member : $5
ALIACPD Hours: 2

#networking #professionaldevelopment #ALIACPDScheme #liseducation #listraining #lis #library #libraries #publiclibraries #schoollibraries #academiclibraries #speciallibraries #gallerylibraries #museumlibraries #archives #recordsmanagement #informationmanagement