This always popular event is returning for another year. If you’re a student or New Grad wanting some insight into how to put together a great application for that job that has your name on it, come along. Or if you’re already a LIS professional, wanting to brush up on your knowledge of the process, then the event is for you too.
Our experienced panel will each provide you with their unique perspectives on these very important documents.
Craig Anderson from RMIT University Library.
Melita Monigatti from Melbourne Library Service.
Teresa Brandau-Stranks from Zenith Information Management Services, a recruitment, consulting and technical services agency.
When: Thursday 25th August, 5:45pm for a 6:00pm start, until approximately 7:30pm.
Where: Seminar Room 1, RMIT University Swanston Library, Building 8, Level 5, 360 Swanston Street, Melbourne.
Cost: $3 (ALIA members/Students), $5 (non-ALIA members).
RSVP: by Monday 22nd August. If you’re an ALIA member, include your membership number in your reply.
Numbers are limited.
Hope to see you there,
Melanie, Rebecca, Noriko and Daniel
ALIA New Graduates Group Committee