ALIA SNGG Monthly Update Header for Blog

July 2019

Welcome to July’s newsletter!  NLS9 is just around the corner!Remember to check back with this newsletter throughout the month for updates on what we’re up to on online and in your state. 

ALIA Newsletter Heading ONLINE


Want to get engaged with ALIA SNGG?  ALIA Students and New Graduates Group are always on the look out for new social media coordinators to join our growing Facebook, Instagram and blog teams. As well as regional coordinators to run social and professional development events in their home states.

If volunteering on a regular basis is currently not an option for you consider writing a blog post for us. We invite (and strongly encourage!) you to submit guest posts publication here on the SNGG blog.

kirsten thorpe

We recently interviewed Kirsten Thorpe.  If you didn’t get to read this interview, please have a look at it now!  #ALIASNGGProfessionalProfile

ALIA Newsletter Heading NGAC

July #auslibchat Twitter_Wordpress-2

July’s #auslibchat will be about leadership.


NLS9 is just around the corner!  Those who are attending get to play Students and New Grads Bingo! Remember to tag SNGG Twitter or Instagram when you play!

Bingo promo info.png

ALIA 2020 Proposals open_promo banner

ALIA Newsletter Heading QLD


Tomorrow night in Brisbane, join the CSU Study Visit students for a social event!

ALIA Newsletter Heading VIC

NLS9 Wrap Up post v1

Were you unable to attend NLS9 in Adelaide ?

Then join ALIA Vic for their ALIA New Librarians’ Symposium Wrap-up to hear from those who attended the event, including NLS9 committee members, presenters, volunteers and more !

Gold coin donation.


You know your Online Presence needs a clean if you are always saying “Here’s my handle, but I haven’t used Twitter in a while” or “Yeah, I’m on LinkedIn but I haven’t filled in much of my profile”. If that’s you (or you are just wondering where to start online), you should come to our August event.

ALIA SNGG is happy to present Jade Koekoe, an Online Presence Specialist who wants to spend an hour (or two) helping you fix that. Come along to our workshop where Jade will cover: 

  • What an Online Presence is.
  • Creating a Personal Brand and using it.
  • Benefits and pitfalls of an Online Presence.
  • What you can customise on social media so people know they have found you.

When: 14 August 2019

Time: 6.30pm 

Where: RMIT City Campus – Megaflex 3 

Building 8, Level 4, Room 13

360 Swanston Street, Melbourne 3000

Cost: Free (but a gold coin donation is appreciated)


ALIA Newsletter Heading TAS

Mona tour

Tour of Mona Library, including social drinks at Faro (the bar in the new Pharaohs wing) afterwards. 4.15pm Saturday 27 July. RSVP to

ALIA Newsletter Heading WA


ALIA Newsletter Heading ACT


ALIA Newsletter Heading SA

postcon event SA

Check out the ALIA Events Listing page for more ALIA events near you.


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