Thank you to Informit for sharing the Research Initiatives and Informit Explore at ALIA 2024 presentation from the ALIA National Conference 2024 with us.
Laki Sideris, Head of Product, Informit #ALIANational24 presentation was about Informit.
A brief history :
- Has the largest collection of Australian and New Zealand books, journals and grey literature
- Informit began as a part of RMIT University Library in Melbourne 30 years ago.
- Stategically works on 3 pillars: sustainability,customer service & community (focusing on First Peoples)
- Mission to promote Critical Thinking
- 24,000 Open Access Resources
Commitment to promoting the achievents of indigenous scholars. Building strong relationships with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. They do this by:
- Kummargii Yulendji Symposium
- Amplifying First Nations Research
- Supporting Indigenous studies Publishers
Laki further spoke about their YouTube series Indigenous Scholars You Should Know.
Explore the Informit Showcase link for more information from the presentation.