On April 7th 2021, the ALIANewGrads Twitter team had an excellent #WednesdayWandersQandA with Gabby Cundy from ALIA Graphic. Learn about her passion for Graphic Novels and YA books and find a selection of her top graphic novels and comics.

Question 1: Tell us about yourself and who ALIA Graphics are?

Gabby: Answer 1

I am Gabby, and ALIAGraphic is all about promoting graphic novels to #libraries, allied institutions and professionals within the #GLAMR sector, with a particular focus on Australian titles and creators. We love #graphicnovels and wish to spread that love to anyone who will listen.

Question 2:

Do you work in a graphic novel specialised position? If so, how did you begin working in this position?

Gabby: Answer 2

I work in a junior school library, and my main focus has been to extend our graphic novel collection. Over the years, it has become our most borrowed collection as they appeal to all year groups. There is no better feeling when a child returns a book and asks for more graphic novels.

Question 3:

Where did your love of graphic novels start? What would you suggest for someone who wants to get into graphic novels but doesn't know where/how to start?

Gabby: Answer 3

I think from an early age that I always loved reading graphic novels. It wasn’t until I started working in a school library that I immersed myself in all types of graphic novels. I would say start with a genre you enjoy and go from there!

Question 4:

What advice would you give to potential graduate librarians who are interested in becoming graphic specialist librarians in the GLAMR sector?

Gabby: Answer 4

Read! Read! Read! Knowing what is available for the age group you are providing for is the best way to ensure you are best tailoring your experience. There are some fabulous novels out there to get your hands on.

Question 5: 
What Graphic novels/Comics/Anime and Manga novels do you enjoy and recommend reading?

Gabby: Answer 5

I read a lot of middle grade and Young Adult (YA). My top reads for the last 12 months are:

New Kid by Jerry Craft Published in 2019, Harper Collins Australia

The Odds by Matt Stanton. Published in 2020, Harper Collins Australia.

Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass by Mariko Tamaki. Published in 2019, D.C Comics.

The Okay Witch by Emma Steinkellner. Published in 2019, Simon & Schuster.

Action Tank by Mike Berry. Published in 2017, Scout Comics.

Question 6:

What is the best part of your role?

Gabby: Answer 6

The best part of my role is when a reluctant reader starts off with some graphic novels,after a few weeks they come asking for chapter books with similar themes. Their reading confidence grows but their love for graphic novels is the underlying reason why they enjoy reading.

Question 7:

What type of research journals, websites or social media pages would you recommend librarians take a look at to learn about graphic novels?

Gabby: Answer 7

Our Blogspot ALIA Graphic Novels and Comics blog.

The ALIA Graphic Novels and Comics Facebook group.

School Library Journal, Good Comics for Kids.

The Comic Arts Award of Australia.

Register to join Gabby for ALIA Graphic “NURTURING AND INSPIRING READING AND CREATIVITY USING GRAPHIC NOVELS & MANGA” Webinar via Zoom on November 30th at 12:00 pm (AEDT). 9:00 am for Perth (AWST).

Jillian Rudes is standing against black curtins she has long bright hair.  Gabby Cundy is smiling holding a book in front of a wall with a drawing of cherry blossoms. Elizabeth Marruffo and Campbell Whyte are smiling standing outside a garden.

#ALIAGraphics #GraphicNovels #Comics #SchoolLibraries #Reading

#ALIANewGrads #Twitter #ALIASNGG #GabbyCundy


You can now view the Draft Program for ALIA Information Online 2025 – Transformation & Disruption.

Interested in attending? Register via this the ALIA Information Online Event link.

RSVP Date: 17th March


Members $400 | Non-Members $500| Institution  5 attendees $1800 | Institution 10 attendees $3500 | Unlimited $6000


One Day ALIA Member Price (includes ALIA personal members and institutional staff members): $150

One Day Non-Member Price: $200

Two Day ALIA Member Price (includes personal members and institutional staff members): $275

Two Day Non-Member Price: $375



When  is this on?

Tuesday 18th March – 20th March

Location: Online via Zoom 

Time Zoom begins: 9am AEDT


Program Summary:

Day 1: Tuesday, 18th March – Indigenous Knowledges (Program highlights Dialogue Session: Libraries and their Intersection with Indigenous Knowledges held on 13th October 2024).

Day 2: Wednesday, 19th March – Greening GLAMR

Day 3: Thursday, 20th March – AI

Download the Draft Program for more info.



Poster reads draft program for Alia information online is available.

The Truck Cat Simultaneous StoryTime

Now is the time to find yourself a copy of The Truck Cat by Deborah Frenkel from your local book shop, library or department store.

Save the date for #librarystorytime on May 21st from 12pm – 1pm (AEST).

A man pats a cat on the head. A truck is behind him.

ALIA CPD Scheme Skills Audit Focus Group EOI

Are you an ALIA Student or Graduate Member?

Add to your ALIA CPD Scheme hours by joining the ALIA CPD Scheme Skills Audit Focus Group.

ALIA are in the process of reviewing the ALIA CPD Scheme to meet the ALIA Skills, Knowledge and ethics Framework.

As a member of the ALIA CPD Scheme focus group you can provide feedback on gaps in library skills in the Library and Information Service Workforce.

The Focus Group will begin in March. You can add the 2-3 hours contributing to the Focus Group as ALIA CPD Scheme hours.


Email education@alia.org.au with the subject line ‘Skills Audits Focus Group’ to let the team know your interest in participating.

The front of the Ngutungka Henley library. South Australia's newest library.

RSVP by 12 February to join ALIA SA on their library tour of Ngutungka Henley Library.

When: Thursday, 13 February 2025


Ngutungka Henley
378 Seaview Road
Henley Beach, SA 5022

Time: 6pm – 7pm (ACDT)

Cost: ALIA Members & Non – Members: FREE

Stay updated on ALIA SNGG, ALIA Special Interest Group (SIG) & ALIA News by bookmarking our ALIA SNGG Newsletter WordPress page.

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