This month we continue our #SNGGStories with a post by James Nicholson, Senior Branch Leader at Morton Bay Regional Council, Caboolture Library.

James was a former ALIA SNGG Secretary from 2016 – 2017. Plus, James was a former ALIA State Manager for Queensland.

James #SNGGStory

There are many advantages and fun times to be had working with the Student and New Graduates Group. I loved my time as National Secretary because it developed skills and connected me to; all sorts of mentors, leaders, friends, movers and shakers!

It is a mutually beneficial thing. I loved that I could develop skills in organising events, speaking with members and writing reports. It showed potential employers my commitment to the industry, initiative and professionalism. But it is not just for you; ALIA gains insight into what the new wave of information professionals want from an industry body and what they need at the start of their careers. I got a kick out of helping friends and members. Now it’s a few years on, I still have those contacts, and they help me often – when I have questions, need advice or just a chat.

Would I recommend getting involved with anyone thinking about it? Definitely yes! It can present opportunities, but the best part is the fun you’ll have and the friends you make.

EOIs are still open for joining our #ALIASNGG Executive Team as our new ALIASNGG Convenor or ALIA SNGG Social Media Coordinator (Facebook, Instagram & Twitter).

Woman thinking about joining ALIA SNGG as the next SNGG Convenor.

More Info:

Email to join the ALIASNGG team. Let us know why you would love to join the ALIA SNGG team.

The closing date is Friday, August 4th.

#ALIASNGG #GetEngagedwithSNGG #ALIASNGGSocialMedia #ALIASNGGConvenor #Instagram #ProfessionalDevelopment #LeadershipSkills #Networking #ALIACPD


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