ALIA SNGG Book Club presents The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde. Week One Discussion: Time Travel.

The Eyre Affair introduces us to the BookWorld. A place where travelling to your favourite book genre or running away in time is a reality if you work in Jurisfiction and have a travel book.

How does time affect Thursday's relationship with her time travelling father? 

Is Thursday's father right to want to change history? 

Would you time travel to the BookWorld?

Thursday Next, pet blue dodo Pickwick stands in the foreground of a red background.
ALIA SNGG Book Club – Week One The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde Discussion: Time Travel

Welcome to the September – October read-a-long of The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde.

Week 1 post was created by #ALIASNGG Twitter Coordinator Rhodora Spring, aka @itsArtistCool, on the topic of Time Travel.

The Eyre Affair introduces us to the BookWorld. A place where traveling to your favourite book genre or running away in time is a reality if you work in Jurisfiction and have a travel book.

📗 How does time affect Thursday’s relationship with her time traveling father?

📗 Is Thursday’s father right to want to change history?

📗 Would you time travel to the BookWorld?

📌 Keep an eye on WordPress, ALIA New Graduates Twitter, and ALIA SNGG Book Club (Facebook) Group for Eyre Affair discussion posts.

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