The Victorian ALIA Students and New Graduates Interview Skills Seminar is fast approaching and we’d love to see you there! You’ll get the opportunity to brush up on your interview techniques, and learn heaps of tips and trips to make you super prepared for...
Well the Key Selection Criteria Seminar has been and gone and what a success it was! We had a lovely group of students and new grads turn up to hear from our wonderful presenters: Hero Macdonald, Sarah Jansen and Janet Salvatore. They were all full of advice and...
WE NEED YOU. Tickets are now available for the annual ALIA QLD Library and Information Week trivia night. This is a great opportunity to mingle with some of your fellow students and new grads but also spend some time with people working in the industry – I know...
There’s nothing more fun on a Sunday than… a library! The State Library of NSW is running an exhibition called “Pulp Confidential: Quick & dirty publishing from the 40s & 50s”. Meet fellow new grads and students as we tour the...