Last night the Victorian ALIA SNGG graduates group hosted their annual Resume and Key Selection Criteria discussion in Melbourne. Janet from Monash Public Libraries, Katie from ALIA SNGG /NMIT, and Helen from NMIT gave valuable insight, tips, and experiences from both sides of the recruitment process.
We hope you got some great ideas, motivation, and most importantly, you feel a little less overwhelmed by the job hunting process in the library world.
If you couldn’t make it, have no fear! We have included some key points and a couple of links that can help you find information to keep going on your library journey.
Resume, Cover Letter & Selection Criteria Tips:
Before you start your application:
- You should ring the organisation beforehand to get more information about the role and responsibilities for the role you are applying for.
- Find out who the cover letter should be addressed to. Call the contact on the job advertisement, and be nice to whoever answers the phone: they will remember you!
- Do your research: find out what information is available. What are the goals, vision and values of the library? (look at their website); What is the demographic of the area you are applying to? What are the trends in information services?
Application Tips:
- You MUST follow the instructions of submission. Read the full position description to know: how to formate your documents, how the organisation wants documents returned (A single PDF document with resume, cover letter, response to selection criteria OR individual Word documents). Is there a resume page number limit.
- Be organised: don’t leave it to the last minute. Make time to plan everything; be methodical, and prepare your documents from scratch.
- CHECK YOUR SPELLING AND GRAMMAR! Don’t spell the organisation’s name incorrectly! Make sure it is addressed to the correct person/place. Re-read everything.
- Your resume doesn’t have to be fancy, but it should be easy to read.
- If you have gaps from when you’ve been doing things that aren’t library or career related, that’s okay: select the most relevant information, tasks, and skills, and be positive about them.
- If you have any extra skills such as writing a blog, working as a volunteer (even working in schools as a parent volunteer), or other achievements that can be transferred to libraries, you can demonstrate this in your selection criteria answers and resume.
Cover Letter:
- Your cover letter should be succinct, specific to the position/organisation you are applying for, and no more than one page.
- Read the submission instructions to check if it is a single document, needs to be added to a PDF with your resume and KCSSor needs to incorporate the KSC.
Key Selection Criteria:
- Your Key Selection Criteria found in the Position Description MUST respond with the correct answers.
- Don’t miss any information out and don’t ramble. The easiest way to make sure you’ve got everything in there is to drop them into a blank document and use their bullet points as your headings.
Thanks to everyone who attended, and our three speakers for being involved!