We thank Joey Chung (ALIA Multicultural Group) & Amy Rake (ALIA Disability Group Convenor) for sharing your #ALIANationalConference24 presentation with ALIA SNGG. ALIA Multicultural Group & ALIA Disability Group collaborated for their ‘From Stereotypes...
If you’re active on Twitter you might be wondering exactly what #CATSofAPLIC is all about. We understand it can be hard to network at the best of times and even harder as a conference newbie! Often you’re attending conference alone, you’re in a new...
We all know networking is key in the GLAMR industry. However, the word networking often brings feelings of anxiety with it. Queensland’s Regional Coordinators are taking networking down a notch to make it a little bit easier to swallow. Join us and our awesome panel...
The WA ALIA Students and New Graduates group invite you to meet your WA professional body representatives and learn more about the recently launched GLAMRmatch initiative. The speakers include: Viv Barton & Jordan Phillips as recent participants of the GLAMRmatch...