On Wednesday, 8th November, we celebrated the Transformers Rise Of The Books with ALIA Queensland.

We heard an egg-celent libraries transform story from ALIA CEO Cathie Warburton, who shared ALIA’s Libraries Transform campaign.

Why do libraries transform?

  1. Strengthening democracy – trusted institution/credible information, social inclusion, digital inclusion: Accessibility, Ability, Accessibility, Third Space.
  2.  Library Services: Talk to local government
  3. Digital Inclusion: Affordability, Accessibility, Ability, free Wi-Fi, communal space 

Cathy invited everyone to create a Libraries Transform Because poster. 

Libraries Transform 


The people who work there are good eggs. 

-Cathy Warburton 

Cathy finished the Transforms chat by sharing ALIA’s Core Values: Free flow of information and ideas. 

  • Libraries connect people to ideas, information literacy, learning
  • Respect diversity and individuality
  • Preserving the human record

Sandra Kalms and Luke Mysliwy from Griffith University spoke about Interlibrary Services by sharing knowledge collaboratively with attendees in-person & online via Teams. 

Luke & Sandra spoke about four areas of concern for resource sharing. 

  • The Libraries Australia Document Delivery (LADD)system  
  •  Complexity of navigating the ILL environment
  • Increase in cost transactions & postal charges
  • Issolation of staff in small libraries

Rani McLennan from CAUL spoke about the cost of academic textbooks and the finncial strain this has for Australian students.  

Rani shared that CAUL are working to break the circit of 

Rani spoke about the steps CAUL are working on to supprt member institutions to publish material via Pressbooks, sharing information on CAUL’s Open Education Resources Collective and Open Educational Resources Collective.

ALIA Health Libraries Australia Gemma Siemensma & Angela Smith spoke health libraries and continuing professional development.

CPD is a way to keep thinking fresh, network, learn new skills and change attitude.  

Professional Development skills/tips you can learn via ALIA Health.

  • Read JOHLIA (Journal of Health Information & Libraries Australasia)
  • Listen to Shoosh – Health Libraries podcast.

Chloe Delaney, Library Services Brisbane City Council, spoke about resilience in libraries and working to promote and create mental wellbeing stratergies for good mental health for your library team.

Anne Reddacliff spoke about what to do when you do not want to be a leader?

  • Take a secondment to further your career.

Shikirah McGill – Transforming the Academic Library: From Neglect to Community Haven.

  • Making your library space inviting by creating distinctive zones to fit the needs of your library users

Helen Weston chat Transforming Library Space by creating a Citizen Science corners at the library. 

Sarah Winter spoke about remixing collections through the process of bricolage, a French word for ‘do it yourself,’ creating art with non-traditional material.


Tia Bravery & Angela Little, City of Mortonbay.

LOUD is a library program run for teens aged 12-17 that provides a space for teenagers to listen to music, connect with friends and play video games.

A talk on the Get Me Out! exhibition at Caboolture Regional Art Gallery.

James Nicholson, City of Moreton Bay, spoke about The Sound Studio. A creative space for DJ’s. What steps were needed to provide for DJ’s.

RODCaster Pro II
Novation Nocturn
Aston Sprint Mic

Logic Pro
Abobe Premiere Pro
Adbobe Rush

Renee Mason spoke about Esports in the library.

At the end of the night, Nicole Hunt, Team Manager, Libraries & Community Hubs with Townsville City Council, Queensland Library Achiever Of The Year Award.

View ALIA QLD blog to learn more about Nicole.

Further congratulations go to ALIA Silver Pin recipients:

  •  Sam Searle, Director, Collections and Digital Services at The University of Queensland.
  • Lisa Bateman, Library Services Manager at the City of Moreton Bay

Vist ALIA Queensland Facebook to view all of the #aliaminicon23.  


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