Thanks for all your support in 2018

2018 was another busy year for ALIA’s New Generation Advisory Committee (NGAC) and we’re looking forward to an exciting 2019.

NGAC’s role is to advise the ALIA Board of Directors on issues of relevance to students and new professionals as well as working with the Students and New Graduates Group to engage and involve students and new graduates with the profession and the wider ALIA community.

We’ve continued to do this in 2018 through:


Our most popular topics in 2018 were Critical Librarianship; Innovative Library Marketing; and Time & Stress management. We also learned a lot this year from some more specialised chats on different sectors, such as Schools, Archives, & Health Libraries. All our #auslibchats are archived here.

Submissions to ALIA Board

We provided advice during the development of the Truth Integrity Knowledge campaign, endorsed ALIA’s support of the Uluru Statement From The Heart, and in collaboration with SNGG, submitted feedback on the 2018 Asia-Pacific Library and Information Conference from students and new graduates.

Collaboration & Communication

As always, we could not have had such a great year without our counterparts in the Students and New Graduates group. A great highlight was our co authored article on Ten ideas for PD on Twitter in the September/October InCite.

In 2018, we also took the opportunity to review how we communicate, drawing on the 2017 communication survey to consider what communication methods, styles, and frequency is the most useful for students and new grads to interact with us. We hope this helps us to reach out more in 2019.

New members

In 2018, we welcomed

  • Matthew Burgess, @matthewpburgess, NSW
  • Samantha Hay, @sambrarian, WA

Looking forward to 2019

2019 is shaping up as an exciting year for the ALIA students and new grads community with NLS9 in Adelaide, as well as ALIA advocacy issues on Indigenous matters (including celebrating the International Year of Indigenous languages) and  The Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK) campaign.

NGAC will be kicking off 2019 with:

Choose your own #auslibchat adventure

As part of NGAC support of The Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK) campaign we’ll be hosting some themed #auslibchats on key #TIK issues. We’ve also asked  which #TIK themes are the most crucial to students and new graduates. 

New chair and vice chair… and maybe you?

Elizabeth Smith and Elizabeth Alvey will conclude their terms as co-chairs in March. In 2019, NGAC will appoint a new chair and vice chair and recruit new members. So if you are in the first 7 years of your career and passionate about issues affecting the LIS industry – look out for this opportunity in 2019.

Contact us

In 2019 we continue to be committed to ensuring that the voices of students and new graduates are a part of ALIA and that there are opportunities to engage with the wider profession. As always, if there’s a particular issue that you feel is affecting this group – reach out to us at or at @aliangac. 


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