We’re a small blip on the wide world of librarianship down here in Tasmania, but since the University of Tasmania has offered a postgraduate qualification in librarianship we’ve been producing a healthy crop of fresh new graduates.
Isobel Clark (Will post her details soon) and I have just taken over the reins of the (ALIA SNGG Tasmania) new graduates group and we’re looking forward to getting involved with the national group and getting some more stuff happening here.
Here’s what I look like:
And this is what I wrote for the ALIA New Grads profile page:
My undergraduate degree is Information Systems, which led neatly into a librarianship qualification from UTAS. After graduating I worked in a school library, and found I really enjoyed it, a short contract turned into eighteen months before I took a chance and accepted a short term position at the University of Tasmania Library. This also turned into longer term work, and I’ve been at UTAS Library since.
Last year I took six months leave without pay and went travelling, Scandinavia, the Balkans and the UK mainly. I visited a lot of libraries, and the IFLA conference in Milan, which was amazing. Visiting new libraries and meeting librarians from all over was a great way to learn about the profession and reflect on how we do things at home.
My substantive position is Business Liaison Librarian, but I’ve been lucky to have been involved in a variety of library related projects since starting at UTAS, including an environmental scan of library systems which included travel to the US to look at Open Source options and most recently I’ve joined the team working on the UTAS iTunesU presence.