Mentoring Mysteries Speakers Bios:
Gillian Hallam
Gillian Hallam has enjoyed a rich and varied career as an LIS practitioner, educator and researcher.
She was an information manager in the Australian business and legal sectors before moving into the academic world, working with major universities in Australia, Germany and Thailand. As a freelance consultant, Gill has undertaken many applied research projects that sit at the confluence of libraries and professional learning. She has been an active member of ALIA and IFLA and her contributions to the profession have been recognised internationally as a Fellow of ALIA, SLA’s Information Professional of the Year (Australia and New Zealand), Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK) and as recipient of the IFLA Scroll of Appreciation.
Tony Zanders, Skilltype
Tony Zanders is the Founder and CEO of Skilltype – the talent marketplace for the GLAMR sector. Since 2018, Zanders has been working exclusively with library leadership teams to identify and close skill gaps within their organisations data. Through this role supporting hundreds of libraries across 4 continents, he has developed a first-hand pulse on the supply and demand of skills across libraries globally. Prior to Skilltype, Zanders served as Entrepreneur in Residence at Boston University Libraries, where he liaised with university HR and IT to prepare the organisation for the future of work.
Jacqui Lucas, ALIA
Jacqui Lucas AALIA (DCP) is the Professional Learning Teacher Librarian with the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). Since 2019, Jacqui has coordinated the highly successful ALIA Mentoring Scheme, connecting hundreds of library and information professionals around Australia in one-to-one, formal mentoring partnerships. Jacqui’s interest in mentoring began while working in the school’s sector when they were invited to participate in the 2014 ACT Teacher Mentor Program, a collaboration with the Education Institute of the University of Canberra, and the ACT Teacher Quality Institute. Mentoring became the focus of Jacqui’s Master of Education research that was then put into practice through the development of a whole school mentoring program, utilising various forms of mentoring.
Interested in meeting the above Mentoring Speakers?
Event Cost: FREE
Date & Time:
Friday, 4th October from 9:30am 12:30pm AEST
Brisbane Square Library
266 George St, Brisbane City QLD 4000, Australia