ALIA Students and New GraduatesMarch 2018

Wow, it’s already March. How did that happen?! 2018 is well under way and ALIA SNGG is busier than ever.

In addition to exciting PD and meet-ups, we’re looking ahead to conferences and other major events coming up this year. APLIC is happening in July/August and planning is underway for a New Grads Tweet-up like no other! Read ahead for more on that.

We’ll be updating this newsletter throughout the month, so please check back to find out what we’re up on online and in your state.

ALIA Students and New Graduates Group Social Media

Be sure to check out ALIA New Graduates Group Facebook pageTwitter feed and Instagram page for all the latest news.

On the blog, we’re featuring some awesome GLAM colleagues in our professional profiles series. We want to find out what helped these information professionals in their careers and hear their words of wisdom. If you’d like to be profiled, or know someone else who would, get in touch!

ALIA Newsletter Heading ACT


Join the ACT New Grads group on March 13 for a get-together to mark the beginning of the semester. RSVP to

ALIA Newsletter Heading QLD
“CATS” of APLIC – A Tweet-Up and Meet-Up with the ALIA Students and New Graduates Group

Are you attending the 2018 Australia Pacific Library and Information Conference? Daunted about networking and meeting new people? Let CATS of APLIC make this process a little bit easier.

#CATSofAPLIC or “Connect Achieve Together Socially” is a way for newcomers and seasoned professionals to meet informally and connect with some amazing GLAMRzons! Keep an eye out for the hashtag #CATSofAPLIC from @ALIANewGrads on Twitter for fun daily activities designed to connect you with fellow delegates in-person and online and to discuss hot topics and ideas from the conference.


For more information visit the APLIC website.

Librarians and Dragons – PD and career planning

ALIA, with the support of The City of Gold Coast Libraries, presents “Librarians and Dragons”! This event is a great opportunity to identify, develop and communicate the essential transferable skills we all need in the ever-changing information industry. Free for ALIA members.

For more information contact Queensland State Manager, James Nicholson

ALIA Newsletter Heading NGAC

auslibchat_6_MAR2018The March #auslibchat topic was Research in Practice. The topic created some great discussion as usual. If you missed out on the chat catch up on all the action here.

Check out the ALIA Events Listing page for more ALIA events near you.


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