November 2019 #auslibchat Twitter_Wordpress

Librarians, Technicians, Officers, Volunteers, IT Specialists, Student Partners and more… Libraries are becoming increasingly complex in their structures – how well does it work? This month, let’s chat about where we fit and how we understand our workplaces.

Questions for the chat:

Q1. What’s your role in libraries currently (or what are you working towards) and what attracted you to it?

Q2. Let’s talk structure. Can you summarise yours and where you fit within it? Does it work well?

Q3. How closely do you work with people in a role different to yours? What are the benefits and/or drawbacks?

Q4. What skills do you have that you most value? Did you develop them while studying or on the job?

Q5. Thinking of your role, are there tasks/responsibilities that are changing? What does the future hold for your position?

Visit the sngg Resources > Professional Development page for NGAC Library Roles #AusLibChat Twitter Archive link via NGAC Wakelet.


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