Where did the summer go? Autumn is already upon us, and so is the next Library Folk in the Pub event in Melbourne!
Fancy catching up with other library-minded folk in your town? The ALIA New Graduates Group Committee in Victoria cordially invites you to an autumnal Library Folk in the Pub night in April. All are welcome, so bring your library and non-library friends. We hope to see lots of library students as well as new librarians and mentors in attendance.
When: Thursday 07 April, from 6pm
Where: Duke of Kent Hotel, 293 Latrobe Street, Melbourne. The table has been booked for ‘ALIA’.
Cost: at own expense.
Please RSVP your attendance to rparker@swin.edu.au by Wednesday 06 April at 12 noon so we can confirm numbers.
Your friendly ALIA New Graduates Group Committee in Victoria,
Daniel, Melanie, Noriko and Rebecca


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