Registrations are now open for Library Camp Australia

What is Library Camp?
Library Camp is an excellent free professional development opportunity; an unconference for anyone who works in, researches, uses or is interested in libraries. Attendees from a range of backgrounds, library types and experience levels are welcome.
Unconference session topics are decided on the day by everyone. Library Camp provides the opportunity to be an active participant in discussions and for participants to be challenged and stimulated. There is no audience – unconferences are interactive!

Nervous about participating? Don’t worry, no one will force you to do PowerPoint karaoke, but we will all be supportive if you do! Your contribution is valued whether you are contributing to discussion, chairing a session or cleaning up at the end of the day.

Where is Library Camp?

University of Melbourne has kindly offered to host Library Camp, it will be held at the Parkville Campus and is easily accessible by public transport, but parking will be available (more details on the Library Camp website).

When is Library Camp?
Friday 10 February 2012, from 9:30 to 4:30.
We have timed LibraryCamp Australia to be directly after the VALA2012 Conference in order to attract interstate and international guests but also so that people who are unable to attend VALA can gain the benefit of networking and collaborating with VALA delegates and feed off that conference buzz.

How much will it cost?

Thanks to our generous sponsors Library Camp is a free event!
The event will be catered so please let us know if you have any dietary requirements when registering.

More information and registration at
Follow us on twitter at @LibCampOz and tweet about us using #libcampoz12

We look forward to seeing you on the 10th of February,

Library Camp Australia Unorganisers


Mel Chivers
National Convener
ALIA New Graduates Group


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