In January ALIA Students and New Graduates group piloted this new initiative we termed GLAMRmatch. It was hugely successful with over 40 Expressions of Interest.
To keep the pilot manageable, we matched 10 groups of professionals, altogether 20 people. Here is a sample of some of the feedback:
“I gained insight into a sector I hadn’t previously spent as much time in as other sectors. Good to see the passion of someone who is also very experienced.”
“It was great to meet someone from a different sector and discuss topics that are relevant to both of us, but from our different perspectives”
“From a hosts perspective it was really easy and a nice way to feel like I was giving back some time to students.”
“I liked the ‘independent’ feel to this, as well as the suggestions on directions.”
Here is a little bit more about how GLAMRmatch was initiated…
It all started when we were invited by Tamara Capper, Reference and Information Librarian at Murdoch University to come for an informal coffee and chat, Tamara also invited her colleague, Dawn McLoughlin, then WA State Manager Jess Pietsch and myself, then President of Curtin Information Studies Club. Nestled among beautiful native Australian landscape, this was my first visit to Murdoch.
It was while we were in the act of having a coffee, chatting about our professional interests and studies, (Jess and I were still students at the time and I remember thinking just how lucky I was to be invited), we were all feeling a similar buzz and enjoyment in the experience of being around like-minded folk, we realized that it was simply this sort of an experience that we wanted to pass on to others! We started discussing the pros, cons, possibilities and limitations for such a project….and so GLAMRmatch was born!

Photo by on
GLAMRmatch is where two individuals from the sectors of Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums and Records are matched to have an informal cuppa and chat. Based on the principles of reciprocity and knowledge-sharing, our aim is to create a connection between two people, one that provides an opportunity for both to learn a little bit about the other person’s current work or recent studies.
The concept is simple:
- 1-hour meet-up with no ongoing commitment for either host or visitor
- Established practitioners as the host to provide a guided tour of their GLAMR facility
- Visiting GLAMR student/professionals to share recent learnings, motivations or sectoral experiences
While some people might feel comfortable calling up someone you’ve admired in your profession and ask to catch up for a coffee, I personally find it daunting! GLAMRmatch helps do the initial connecting, and you take it from there.
Maybe you are a new professional, student or looking to change streams? If you plan on being a visitor, it’s a good idea to get in contact with your match before they get in touch with you (demonstrating initiative and drive), look them up on LinkedIn and send a message to connect. If you are more of an established professional, keen to meet and share your experience and learning over the years, you could take on the role of host. As a host you could give a tour of the workplace, take a trip down memory lane on how you landed your first job, or how relevant your studies have been as a practitioner.
ALIA Students & New Graduates group are pleased to announce we will be calling for Expressions of Interest for the second round of GLAMRmatch from 11th June 8am till 30th June 11.59pm WST. Stay tuned!
if you have any questions, please contact:
Many thanks,
Havva, Kristin & Sonja
ALIA Students and New Graduates Group Regional Coordinators – WA