Take a trip with ALIA New Graduates Group SA:
Conference postcards –
A conference feedback session
Your passport to New Orleans, China & Sydney!
Hear from our four jet setting librarians:
Pixie Stardust (UniSA) winner of the Margaret McKinley Scholarship Essay Competition will reveal her experiences attending the 2011 ASIS&T conference in New Orleans.
Helen Attar & Qing Liang (University of Adelaide) will share their experiences attending the 2011 International Seminar on Chinese Digital Publishing and Digital Libraries in Beijing.
Brenna Cook (SLSA) will delve into the world of archives with ‘Archiving the Iconic’ the Australian Society of Archivists Symposium held in Sydney.
When? Monday 7th of November, 6pm for 6.15pm start.
One hour conference feedback session.
Followed by networking drinks & nibbles.
Where? Ira Raymond Room, Barr Smith Library, University of Adelaide.
Cost $5 ALIA members, $7 non ALIA members.
RSVP By Friday 4th of November to Yasmine Shaheem,
Participation certificate available on request. Attendance to session = 1 PD point.
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Photograph by: Flickr user atsuke, http://www.flickr.com/photos/plasticbat