Welcome to March. This month we begin our latest #ALIASNGGBookClub March – April book with ‘Before The Coffee Gets Cold: Tales From The Cafe’ by Toshikazu Kawaguchi. Catch up on the latest ALIA SNGG, ALIA, ALIA Specialist/Regional Group Event News....
ALIA’s New Generation Advisory Committee (NGAC) are looking for students, new graduates, and earlycareer professionals to join the NGAC committee. NGAC primary purpose: To advocate for the new generation of GLAMR ( Gallery, Library, Archive, Museum and Records...
Welcome to our Academic Library QanA blog post 7 with Academic Librarian from Flinders University & ALIA New Generation Advisory Committee member, Syed Towsif Ahmed. Thank you to Olivia Larobina, ALIA NGAC for assisting. 1. How can I highlight and tailor...
The ALIA New Generation Advisory Committee (NGAC) invites library and information students, new graduates and early-career professionals to participate in our study: Mandatory Employment Requirements in the Library and Information Sector: How Have They Impacted You?...
In November, Kate Davis, ALIA Students and New Graduates Social Media Coordinator (WordPress Blog) interviewed Alex Dupriez for the blog’s second GLAMR Professional Profile Interview. Alex is a new professional in the LIS sector, who currently works as a Library...
If you enjoyed October’s decoding selection criteria #AusLibChat, you will love this event! Following on from a vibrant Professional Pathway’s consultation workshop, ALIA NGAC and SNGG have asked a panel of experienced LIS professionals to take a look at...