ALIA SA Monthly Meeting

Join ALIA SA for the monthly committee meeting to network, discuss upcoming events and share ideas. Where: Mr Bulgogi, 128 Wakefield St, Adelaide, SA, 5000 When: 6:30 PM, 26 August 2024 RSVP: Please contact Julia at if you are interested in...

ALIA National 2024 Wrap up by Ash Barber aka Empowered OER

The ALIA National Conference may have happened in May, but we always enjoy sharing any wrap-up talks by presenters when we find them. As they say, caring is sharing. Here is a wrap-up of Ash Barber, aka Empower OER ALIA National Conference Wrap-up. Ash joined Katya...

Informit Showcases Indigenous-led Research Initiatives and Informit Explore at ALIA 2024Informit Showcases Indigenous-led

Thank you to Informit for sharing the Research Initiatives and Informit Explore at ALIA 2024 presentation from the ALIA National Conference 2024 with us. Laki Sideris, Head of Product, Informit #ALIANational24 presentation was about Informit. A brief history : Has the...