ALIA Career Starter Kit Webinar 2: Identifying Opportunity was chaired by Gary Lom.
Speakers included:
- ALIA Board Member and Lead Projects Officer at State Library Queensland, Amy Walduck.
- Manager, Library Services at the Queensland University of Technology, Bruce Munro.
- Teacher Librarian at TAFE NSW and information studies, Sharon McGregor.
- Catherine Hill from Ignite.
Question 1:
Do I need to start at a lower level and work my way up?
Sharon answer:
Apply for any library assistant role you can geographically travel to and time-wise get to. Don’t underestimate what your other skills and interests are. A library may ask for experience, but you come from a sector; that is parallel to that or have a transferable skill for a Library Technician role that asks for, E.g. Social Media, Admin or digitization skills.
Bruce (Academic Libraries) answer:
Yes, starting at the bottom and working up has benefits. As a way to develop skills.
Amy’s answer (Public/State Library):
Start at the bottom, but you don’t need to stay there.
Gary spoke to Catherine about putting; a lot of people forward for jobs they are overqualified for.
Catherine: People are happy to go for contract jobs at a lower level while they are studying. Going for a lower-level role as a Library Assistant or Library Technician can build up your skills and get you library experience. Sometimes you get recognized for the skills you can bring to an organization.
Apply for jobs you can get to. Can you do the hours they want?
Other questions to add. How can I travel to the organization? Can I travel to the location by public transport or, bicycle, motorcycle or car? Does the organization require me to have a driver’s license to get the job?
Question 2:
What transferable skills will help me stand out in the library market?
Amy (State/Public Lib) answer:
Communication skills
- Have an awareness of the GLAMR industry and library profession.
- Aware of intellectual freedom challenges and what the ethics of the library are.
- Know about data management & data.
- Buisness Intelligence skills. Skills include; Data Analysis, Data Management, Statistical Analysis, Data Visualization, Problem-solving and creativity.
- Read about AI trends.
- Can talk about Digital Inclusion in the regions and community.
- Inclusive and reparative cataloguing
Bruce (Academic Library):
- Digital Literacy Skills.
- Get experience with digital content creation. E.g. Creating self-help resources or guides.
- Experience digital content software; Canva, H5P, ScreenPal formally. Screencast-O-Matic. (Screencast-O-Matic is a screencasting and video editing software tool).
- Look at different modes and channels for chat delivery Eg. Zoom.
- Council of University Libraries: Digital Dexterity Framework
- ChatGBT
- Open Access – resource, supporting and publishing research
- Open Education Resources
- Toastmaster classes.
Skills from other presenters:
Soft skills:
- Written/Oral skills
- Interpersonal skills
- Ability to deal with difficult situations
- Customer service (virtual/person)
- Telephone and email skills
- IT and computer awareness
- volunteering skills
- General flexibility
- Curiosity to ask questions and interest in the role
Q3: How to keep current?
Bruce (Academic Library) answer:
- Newsletters (GLAMR, University, Association or Council).
- CAUL (Council of Australian University Libraries)
- ALIA Mentoring Scheme
Other ways to keep current:
- Read IFLA newsletter
- ALIA Events and Training
- Exploring ALIA Groups & Communities for FREE & paid Webinars, PD and physical networking events.
Q4: Places to find Academic Library/ Library jobs?
ALIA website via ALIA Jobs Board
Other presenters:
- Seek
- Indeed
- Government website
- Institution websites
- Council website
Q5. Advice for further education?
- Get free professional development by joining an ALIA Group or Committee
- Volunteer in person & online at GLAMR organisations
- Visit Seek Volunteering to add customer service at a Tool or Toy Library
- Complete free online courses via LinkedIn Learning.
- Volunteer online with TROVE, DigiVol or arcHIVE at the National Archives of Australia
ALIA National (2023) ALIA Career Starter Kit 2: Identifying Opportunity. Zoom
Canva (2023) Canva
Council of Australian University Libraries (2023) Digital Dexterity Framework.
HP5 Group (2023) HP5
Toastmasters International (2023) About
ScreenPal (2023)
ALIA National (2023) ALIA Career Starter Kit 2: Identifying Opportunity. Zoom