Catch-up on Cooranbong Public School librarian Natasha Lee discusses her journey into teacher librarianship. Natasha wrote a guide for teacher librarians and schools to advocate for the United Nations list of 17 sustainability goals. This document is a resource with free links with ideas to support awareness of the UN Sustainability Goals.
Two of Natasha’s top SDG resources are:
Just Us Weirdos.A free podcast Natasha recommends for primary schools to understand Goal 11, Sustainable Cities and Communities.
Sydney Stingless Bees looks at Goal two: Zero Hunger.At the end of the chat, Natasha looks at the IFLA Map of the World SDG Stories. In an interactive map, where you click on a country, you can see what SDGs that country is achieving.
At the end of the chat, Natasha looks at the IFLA Map of the World SDG Stories. In an interactive map, where you click on a country, you can see what SDGs that country is achieving.
Read and download Natasha Lee’s Sustainable Development Goals document.
ALIANational. (2023, February 21), INCITE IN Conversation School Libraries and the UN SDGs [Video]. YouTube.
IFLA (n.d.). IFLA Map of the World. SDG Stories. https://librarymap.ifla.org/stories
Just Us Weirdos (2023). https://justusweirdos.com/
Sydney Stingless Bees (2021). Home. https://sydneystinglessbees.com.au/
United Nations (n.d.). The 17 Goals. https://sdgs.un.org/goals
#ALIACPD #sustainability #SDGs #INCITE