Last weekend the QLD ALIA SNGG kicked off the first stage in our 2017 professional development series which loosely follows the three key points to nail in order to land a job:

  • Create the perfect Resume which sums up your skills and experience
  • Address the Selection Criteria to show off your stories
  • Present yourself professionally in the Interview

Our Resume Review Cafe was well attended this year, with a group of new and enthusiastic students scheduled to meet with information and library managers who very generously gave up their Saturday morning to share some advice.

Each student was paired with a manager and spent approximately 30 minutes one-on-one with them to discuss the finer points of their resume and get some tips on how to improve. This year we were also attended by a HR Recruitment Specialist, Sam,  who was on standby to give her perspective on the hiring process and what she looks for when picking resumes.

Some tips from Sam are below:

Tip 1 – Identify accomplishments rather than just listing or describing what the job is. Include things you personally achieved in the role.

Tip 2 – Make sure there are no spelling or formatting errors! Always get it double checked by someone else before you submit it.

Tip 3 – Make sure your resume is relevant and tailored for the particular role you are applying for. This may mean you have to tweak it for each job you apply for but it is worth it! The recruiter and employer can see immediately how your experience is suited for their role.

Tip 4 – Make sure there are no gaps in your employment or experience timeline within the last 5 years. Even if you were travelling, looking after someone or doing a job that isn’t related to what you are applying for include it. It only has to have a few details such a dates and a job title. Recruiters and employers will wonder what you were up to if they notice gaps.

A special thank you must be given to the group below, many of whom have participated multiple times! The flowers this year were only a very small token of our appreciation, words themselves couldn’t describe how grateful we are to have your continued help and support each year.

Helen Hobbs – QUT

Donald Jeffreys – Griffith University

Maureen Sullivan – Griffith University

Anita McMilian – Knowledge & Learning Resources Manager at West Moreton Anglican College

Joanna Fear – Federal Court Library

Amy Walduck – ALIA QLD State Manager

And as always, if you don’t have the opportunity to attend the Resume Review Cafe in person, remember that ALIA SNGG offers a National Resume Review Service where student ALIA members can email your resume through for advice and get a professional review.

ALIA SNGG have also been working very hard on a job site specially designed with a whole bunch of tips and tricks to help you get a job! Check it out. 

Also, keep an eye out over the next few months for the rest of our professional development series. Next up, Selection Criteria Panel + Workshop!


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