ALIA Victoria, had a new Why Classify? event with Part 3 “Dewey Really Need It” at the Prahran Mechanics’ Institute Victorian History Library.

With talks by panelists Mary Carroll, Renate Beilharz and Melissa Parent.

Key discussion points included:

  • How do school libraries and libraries classify items with Dewey Decimal Classification?
  • The process of reclassification. How do you change existing labelled DDC items into new DDC areas at the library?
  • Ethics. 
  • Terminology exploring the evolution of subjects and topics.
  • How are cataloguing skills taught in LIS courses, and are we learning the same way? 
  • Do we require more practical theory or cataloguing skills to help us find jobs in librarianship?

Panel 1 speakers included:

  • @clareifications
  • Leonie Bourke @birdsey7
  • ALIA Vic Ellen Coates @BiblioEll
  • @antimpodean

#DeweyReallyNeedIt #Classification #ALIAVIC #ProfessionalDevelopment


ALIAVic. (2022, October 30). Why Classify? Part 3 of Dewey Really Need It Panel [Video]. YouTube.

ALIAVic. (2022, June 19). Different to Dewey Part 2 of Dewey Really Need It Panel [Video]. YouTube.

ALIAVic. (2021, September 20), Dewey Really Need This? Part 1 Panel [Video]. YouTube .


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