Week Three #ALIASNGGBookClub The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde September – October discussion is on #relationships focusing on Thursday Next’s relationship with Landen Park-Laine. In the story, Thursday and Landen were once a couple during the Crimean war but have grown distant after returning to Swindon but still hold feelings for one another.
📌Week Three Discussion:
📚 How do you describe Thursday and Landen Park-Laine’s relationship?
📚 Is Thursday correct to keep Landen Park-Laine at a distance for the treatment of her brother Anton in the Crimean war?
📚 Should Thursday follow her heart and renew her relationship with Landen?
📚 How do you describe Uncle Mycroft and Aunt Polly’s relationship?
📌Catch up on Week 1 and 2, The Eyre Affair Discussion on the ALIASNGGBookClub Facebook Group.
📌Visit the About area of the ALIA Students and New Graduates Group WordPress to suggest your ALIASNGGBookClubRecommendation ideas for #ALIASNGGBookClub’s next read-along.
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