ALIA SNGG Header Newsletters

Welcome to April.

This month we open our EOIs for #GLAMRmatch 2024. We celbrate the 4th year anniversary of our #ALIASNGGBookClub (Facebook ) Group. ALIA Book lovers, we invite you to join our time travelling March – April Read Along of Before The Coffee Gets Cold Tales from the cafe.

A book cover of a cafe that lets you travel in time. Three clocks set at different times are in the room.

Are you ready to #GLAMRmatch?

A lounge room view  with a seat.

#GLAMRmatch is back again.

We invite all #ALIAMembers to join us for #GLAMRmatch. Established GLAMR professionals, share your knowledge of LIS as a Mentor to students, graduates and other emerging professionals.

Students & Graduates –  build your GLAMR network. Discover answers to your GLAMR questions.


Complete the GLAMRmatch 2024 EOI survey by Friday, 31st May

Please send us a brief bio about yourself to assist the #GLAMRmatch team in the matching process to

Congratulatis to Curtin University’s ALIA Student Award winners.

  • Amy Kamphius – Graduate Diploma in Information and Library Studies
  • Elizabeth Powell – Master of Information Science
  • Melissa Bradshaw – Master of Information Management


Building at sunset.

#RSVPDate 29th April

RSVP to join ALIA Members at the ALIA National Conference in South Austalia.

Event Details: Monday, 6th May – Thursday, 9th May 2024

Cost: Concession member $790 (Students/Retirees)

Day Member : $495 | Day Non-Member : $660

Visit the ALIA National Conference page for more info/register.


Please RSVP by April 9th to
Date: April 10th, 5pm -7pm AEST  |  Location: Badger & Co, ANU (Health & Well-being Centre, Kambri Precinct).


 Join ALIACT tour of MoAD on 12th April.  RSVP Date: 10th April.

Network with ALIA ACT at the Museum of Australian Democracy (MoAD) at Old Parliament House.


Event Time: 4:00pm -6:30pm

Networking Event at Southern Cross Yacht Club Yarralumla from 5:30pm.


Cost: MoAD has free entry. Networking event at Southern Cross Yacht Club Yarralumla, Lotus Bay, Marina Pl, Yarralumla.  BYO money for refreshments at Yacht club.



Museum of Australian Democracy
(Old Parliament House),
King Edward Terrace






#RSVPDate 15th April.

Join ALIA QLD for their Playing for Keeps Webinar Sessions.

Dungeons and Dragons fans take a look at joining Session 1: DnD & Roleplaying Games for Libraries & Library Outreach. Event: 17th April. Time: 12pm – 1:30pm.

Cost: ALIA Members $15| Non-Members: $22.50

Visit the ALIA Events page to register for the Playing for Keeps Webinar & more info.


Bookmark our ALIA SNGG Newsletter page on our ALIA Students and New Graduates Group WordPress blog/site to keep up with ALIA Events.

You can now view the Draft Program for ALIA Information Online 2025 – Transformation & Disruption.

Interested in attending? Register via this the ALIA Information Online Event link.

RSVP Date: 17th March


Members $400 | Non-Members $500| Institution  5 attendees $1800 | Institution 10 attendees $3500 | Unlimited $6000


One Day ALIA Member Price (includes ALIA personal members and institutional staff members): $150

One Day Non-Member Price: $200

Two Day ALIA Member Price (includes personal members and institutional staff members): $275

Two Day Non-Member Price: $375



When  is this on?

Tuesday 18th March – 20th March

Location: Online via Zoom 

Time Zoom begins: 9am AEDT


Program Summary:

Day 1: Tuesday, 18th March – Indigenous Knowledges (Program highlights Dialogue Session: Libraries and their Intersection with Indigenous Knowledges held on 13th October 2024).

Day 2: Wednesday, 19th March – Greening GLAMR

Day 3: Thursday, 20th March – AI

Download the Draft Program for more info.



Poster reads draft program for Alia information online is available.

The Truck Cat Simultaneous StoryTime

Now is the time to find yourself a copy of The Truck Cat by Deborah Frenkel from your local book shop, library or department store.

Save the date for #librarystorytime on May 21st from 12pm – 1pm (AEST).

A man pats a cat on the head. A truck is behind him.

ALIA CPD Scheme Skills Audit Focus Group EOI

Are you an ALIA Student or Graduate Member?

Add to your ALIA CPD Scheme hours by joining the ALIA CPD Scheme Skills Audit Focus Group.

ALIA are in the process of reviewing the ALIA CPD Scheme to meet the ALIA Skills, Knowledge and ethics Framework.

As a member of the ALIA CPD Scheme focus group you can provide feedback on gaps in library skills in the Library and Information Service Workforce.

The Focus Group will begin in March. You can add the 2-3 hours contributing to the Focus Group as ALIA CPD Scheme hours.


Email with the subject line ‘Skills Audits Focus Group’ to let the team know your interest in participating.

The front of the Ngutungka Henley library. South Australia's newest library.

RSVP by 12 February to join ALIA SA on their library tour of Ngutungka Henley Library.

When: Thursday, 13 February 2025


Ngutungka Henley
378 Seaview Road
Henley Beach, SA 5022

Time: 6pm – 7pm (ACDT)

Cost: ALIA Members & Non – Members: FREE

Stay updated on ALIA SNGG, ALIA Special Interest Group (SIG) & ALIA News by bookmarking our ALIA SNGG Newsletter WordPress page.

Help promote ALIA SNGG by following  us on Facebook, Instagram, X and Linkedin.


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