ALIA NSW celebrated their first Library Excellence Award in the Dixon Room at State Library of New South Wales.
ALIA SNGG celebrate Christiane Birkett – ALIA NSW Library Excellence Award Winner. Christiane, is also an ALIA SNGG Resume Reviewer for our ALIA SNGG Resume Review Service. We thank Christianne for her fantastic contribution to group.
Awards were given to Special Mention Shortlist nominees:
- Salina Khao
- Alisson Hamilton
- Thamoja Fernando
- Suzie Somson
ALIA Pins were awarded to:
- Isabella Tran – 50 year pin
- Judi Lipp – 30 year pin
- Victoria Anderson – 10 year pin
ALIA SNGG National Convenor Jack was in attendance on the night.
#PhotoCredit Jack Kelly