ALIA NGAC #AusLibChat Twitter Archive
ALIA Students & New Graduates
NGAC #AusLibChat October 2022 – Decoding Selection Criteria
1. What are examples of high-level digital literacy skills?
- Caring about learning new technology & online workflows
- Show your awareness of online safety & configuring security tools for privacy/cyber security.
- Experience creating learning/help guides for digital devices/programs/online skills
- Do you have Copyright or Creative Commons skills
- Understanding what misinformation & disinformation
- Can teach people to use ebook/ audio & online database
- Is your resume formatted correctly
- Your online presence is a reflection of you
- 2. How do you show awareness of emerging trends/issues in librarianship?
- Explore if your professional association has a newsletter & subscribe to it Eg. ALIA News and ALIA CPD.
- Read INCITE magazine
- Discover events on a public/state library website or social media page Eg. LinkedIn, Twitter & Facebook
- Ask a library manager or GLAMR person to chat about library trends/issues. Join ALIA SNGG #GLAMRmatch.
3. How do you show experience/knowledge of cataloguing?
- Indicate your understanding of how catalogue records and metadata are created.
- Highligh your attention to detail & transferable skills to show a willingness to learn
- Experience working with a Library Management System
- Understanding of records and privacy standards
- Share your knowledge of cataloguing from your studies
NGAC #AusLibChat November 2022 – The First Steps – New Careers in Libraries
Discover tips for:
- Skills from studies
- Transferable skills to integrate into your position
NGAC #AusLibChat June 2022 – Library Research in Practice
Discover tips for:
- Research project tips
- Research skills
NGAC #AusLibChat October 2021 – Ask a Mentor
Learn about ALIA Mentoring Scheme
NGAC #AusLibChat February 2020 – Content Creation
How do you create content? Zines, Newsletter, blog, social media
Q1. What kind of content do you like to create? Blogs, newsletters, zines, video or something else entirely? Why do you like that format?
Q2. What is your greatest challenge when creating content?
Q3. How do you evaluate the success of your content to see if the message was clear, reached the right audience etc?
- YouTube, X, Facebook and Instagram annalytics
- Tip from Misskoko the Librarian:Content creation works a lot better when you have a set goal in mind
- Test new ideas. Learn from content creators who inspire you to learn a new skill or try a new idea.
NGAC #AusLibChat November 2019 – Library Roles
Library Technician, Librarian, Library Officer, Library volunteer
Q1. What resources do you use if answering a question outside your personal knowledge, or looking for readers advisory for yourself?
- Book recommendation by Ellen Forsyth: The Readers’ Advisory Guide to Genre Fiction: Third Edition by Joyce G. Saricks and Neil Wyatt. Published in 2018
- Recommendation by Jane Cowell: Good Reading Magazine, PrePub alerts in Library Journal. Stella Prize longlist.
2. How do you keep readers advisory skills up to date?
- Read diverse genres (outside your book comfort zone)
- BookTok
- Learn about book published in diverse languages
Q3. How do you get people reading more broadly?
- Library display
- Highlight books in OPAC galleries
- Add staff book reviews
- Add new books to your circulation desk
Q1. What defines customer service in information services? Does customer service differ from sector to sector?
- Social skills
- Managing and meeting client/user/community expectations
- Patience
- Understanding the needs of diverse users
- Willingness to answer any query. Knowing who to refer to if you don’t know the answer
Conversation on:
- Acknowledgement of country
- Including First Nations books into the collection
- Adding First Nations artwork in Library Design
Q1: How do you find people to go to for professional advice?
- Learn from long-term staff in the role you are in/plan to join.
- Email a librarian at the library your questions
- If student as your lecturer a question
- (Explore LinkedIn/socials to discover if a library professional will answer your questions)
Q2. Benefits of having a mentor?
- Having someone to discus career goals/plans/career changes with
NGAC #AusLibChat Innovative Outreach
How can you promote library programs to stakeholders & the community?
Q1. Who is your library targeting for outreach, and what new groups have been identified?
- Adults
- Schools – pop up libraries for school resources and community services
Q2. Share outreach news on your library?
- Community festivals
- Social Media
- Pop up libraries
- Lawn libraries
Q3. What impact or difference have you seen as a result of outreach program/activity?
- Building goodwill (engagement) with the library users (students/staff/public) via social media. Acknowledging changes/library disruptions.
- Promoting resources from the collection